These quick videos can enhance your knowledge about the learning process
The graphic organizers below were designed by members of Crafting Minds to support educators as they make instructional decisions for students. There are two organizers, each designed to support the interpretation process as educators work to answer the question - why is this reader struggling? One organizer is designed for data collected through the special education eligibility or re-evaluation process. The other is intended for data collected as decisions are made about appropriate Tier 2 or Tier 3 instruction in reading. *The organizers are in a fillable PDF format, to save your results, download the completed organizer. โ
If you would like more information, Crafting Minds offers a workshop titled "Literacy Instruction That's Targeted" which guides participants through the process of data interpretation and instructional planning.
Resources for Small Group Instruction
Data Meeting Protocol Worksheet
Sample Small Group Structured Literacy Routine
Decoding Duo - Will This Fit, Dandelion Launchers
Recommended Activity Sequence for Each Instructional Group
The RAVE-O Program
The RAVE-O Program is a strategic approach to fluency instruction. A curriculum specifically designed for students with naming speed deficits, instruction focuses on integrating activities that build all aspects of word knowledge including phonics, vocabulary, morphology, and comprehension.
Members of Crafting Minds have been involved with the development and research of RAVE-O since its conception at the Center for Reading and Language at Tufts University.
The instructional cue cards have been developed as an aid for teachers who are seeking slight modifications to implementation without compromising fidelity.
Want to learn more about the power of multi-componential instruction?
Listen to Melissa Orkin and Maryanne Wolf share all things POSSuM on the podcast Melissa and Lori Love Literacy! Dropping at 4am on December 6th! Be the first to listen!