RAVE-O Offers Strategic Instruction in
Fluency and Comprehension
RAVE-O (Retrieval, Automaticity, Vocabulary, Engagement - Orthography) is the first comprehensive research and evidence-based approach to building reading fluency struggling 2nd - 4th graders.
By the completion of the course, participants will be prepared to teach RAVE-O. The program goes beyond repeated reading to help students develop their automaticity in all aspects of word knowledge, integrating phonics, vocabulary, parts of speech, and morphology.
RAVE-O is the only known structured literacy approach for students with Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) weaknesses.
2024-2025 Workshop Dates
October 2, 2024
November 14, 2024
January 30, 2025
March 6, 2025
Learn More about the Upcoming RAVE-O Training
Program Overview
The RAVE-O program is an evidence-based strategic fluency and comprehension program that supports skill development.
Audience: RAVE-O can serve a broad variety of needs for students' between the ages of 1st and 4th grade including those:
*Identified for specialized intervention support (Tier 3)
*Identified with a specific learning disability including dyslexia.
*Multi-lingual students learning English who may also be at-risk for reading difficulties.
Summary of Instruction: Each lesson in RAVE-O offers a comprehensive approach to developing fluency by integrating strategies in word recognition, vocabulary, morphology, and parts of speech.
Lesson Format: Lessons are designed for 30 minute intervention blocks and can be delivered in small group or tutorial format.
Key Updates to the 2024 program include:
*Revised lesson structure supports 30 minute instructional blocks
*Streamlined teacher scripting in slide decks formats
*Additional decodable readers including two new chapter books.
*New RAVE-O characters teach strategies for recognizing and using parts of speech and morphology.
*Placement assessment ensures instruction is targeted to students' needs.
All RAVE-O program materials are purchased through NIDO Learning. You can access more information about RAVE-O pricing here, and email, David Noam, [email protected] with questions or to place an order.