Supporting Reading Achievement Among Diverse Adolescent Readers

This 15 hour/PDPs professional development course is designed to provide middle school and high school educators (reading specialists, SLP’s, classroom teachers, special educators, and administrators) with a framework for understanding the varied reading needs of adolescents, and strategies for delivering appropriate, comprehensive, and differentiated instruction within Tiers 1 and Tier 2.
The course is organized into 7 modules that are a combination of self-guided coursework (7 hours) and live, virtual workshops (2 sessions - 8 hours total) on the following topics:
Live workshops will take place on: July 12, 4-6pm EST and July 19, 9-3pm EST.
By the end of the course, participants will
- Have a deeper understanding of the reading skills and knowledge required of adolescent learners.
- Expand their knowledge of screening tools, formative and summative assessments for planning targeted instruction.
- Develop instructional routines to differentiate foundational skill development for learners of varying abilities.
Module 1: An Overview of Adolescent Literacy (Asynchronous 3 hours)
Module 2: Broad and Deep Word Study, Semantics, Morphology, Syllables and Orthography (Live: 2 Hours, July 12, 4 - 6pm EST)
Module 3: Comprehension Instruction to Promote Higher Order Thinking in All Learners (Asynchronous 2 hours)
Module 4: Sharing and Critiquing Lesson Plans (Live, 2 hours; July 19th, 9 - 11am EST)
Module 5: Strategies for Benchmark Assessments and Progress Monitoring (Live 1 hr, July 19th, 11am - 12pm EST)
Module 6: Differentiating Instruction to Provide Tier 2 Supports in the General Education Classroom (Live 2.5 hours, July 19th, 12:30 - 3 pm EST)
Module 7: Applying Knowledge to Case Studies (Asynchronous, 2 hrs)
One graduate credit is available through Bay Path University for an additional fee of $100. Participants completing the course for graduate credit will need to complete a final project which will entail approximately 10 hours of additional reading and assignment preparation.
Course materials including handouts will be provided in the form of PDF files.
The course is designed to support practitioners who are working with general education students in 6th - 12th grade who are reading below grade level or benchmark.
Tuition is $350 USD
Space is limited, enrollment deadline is July 6, 2022.
Payment by P.O. can be sent to Melissa Orkin, [email protected]
Kate Shade, Ph.D.
Dr. Shade is an educator with over 15 years of experience in professional development, instructional coaching, academic evaluation, classroom teaching, curriculum design, and remedial instruction. Kate has worked across educational settings including public, charter, and private schools, non-profits, educational consultancies, and pediatric hospitals. She specializes in evidence-based practices for English language instruction, including differentiated teaching for students with specific learning disabilities and those who are developmentally- and medically-complex students. She has worked at organizations including Boston Children's Hospital, Tufts University's Center for Reading and Language Research, reDesignU, and the Stern Center for Language and Learning.